Wednesday, October 16, 2013

How to Keep Your Senior Feeling Connected to Their Community

Seniors who no longer have to worry about raising a family and building a career are able to shift their focus to developing friendships and exploring their hobbies. When your elderly loved one gets invested in their community, they feel a sense of purpose and enjoy a rich life. There are a number of different ways to do this, depending on your senior’s needs and passions. Some popular options include:

Taking a class: Whether it’s painting, cooking, or tai chi, many community centers, adult education facilities, and local colleges offer inexpensive chances to learn a new skill. Seniors can try something entirely new or focus on developing a hobby further. These classes allow the elderly individual to keep their mind engaged while meeting other people.

Joining a religious group: Many seniors find comfort in participating in their local church or temple. Sharing faith with others can help your elderly loved one feel like part of a community. Senior care professionals in Asheville note that many religious organizations offer retreats and opportunities that are designed specifically for elderly individuals. If your elderly loved one enjoys music, they may also find that participating in the choir at their house of worship is the perfect way to spend their free time.

Volunteering: There are plenty of worthy charities that are looking for help from vibrant, compassionate seniors. They can tutor children, teach music in schools, volunteer at a hospital, or serve in food banks. Home care professionals explain that volunteer work will give your elderly loved one a sense of purpose, and can put them in contact with other like-minded volunteers.

Adopting a pet or plant: Depending on the elderly individual’s energy level, adopting a pet or a plant may be good for senior health. Caring for something or someone else gives your senior a sense of purpose, and adds a new level of excitement to their life. It’s also been well documented that humans form strong emotional connections with animals, which can help to ward off loneliness.

There are plenty of ways for seniors to get involved in their community and enjoy meaningful social interaction with others. Take some time to analyze your elderly loved one’s interest and activity levels, and then encourage them to participate in community groups where they can meet people like them.

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