Monday, December 19, 2016
Exploring Holiday Volunteer Opportunities
The holidays are the perfect time to volunteer. The spirit of the holidays is to give back to your local community and to help those who are less fortunate than us. A lot of the times, we can forget the true meaning of the holiday season and volunteering can help us remember why we celebrate Continue reading Exploring Holiday Volunteer Opportunities
Fighting Off Seasonal Depression Through Hobbies
Hobbies are the perfect way to keep the winter blues away. Sometimes during the holiday season, even with all of the warmth and joy going around, we can get cases of seasonal depression, ranging from mild cases to more severe cases. This is caused by the decreasing amount of sunlight during the day and the Continue reading Fighting Off Seasonal Depression Through Hobbies
Sunday, November 13, 2016
5 Day Trip Ideas for Seniors
Asheville is no doubt one of the most beautiful and diverse cities in the entire state of North Carolina. Nestled in the heart of the Appalachian Mountains, this small city has everything from some of the most gorgeous mountain views Read more
Saturday, November 12, 2016
5 Miraculous Benefits of Music for Seniors
Every single person on Earth loves music. There’s no one that doesn’t tap their foot to a good beat or have a go-to song to play when they’re in a good mood. And it’s a good thing that there’s no Read more
Thursday, October 6, 2016
Putting Your Best Foot Forward: Safe Hiking for Seniors
Seniors who live in gorgeous Asheville, North Carolina can enjoy the natural beauty all around their home community by participating in physical activity that helps them maintain a longer and happier life when they strap on their hiking shoes and Read more
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Poor Dental Care in Seniors: Identifying the Barriers
When it comes to senior dental health, there are some concerning statistics, such as these ones: 65 % of adults ages 65 and older have moderate to severe periodontal disease 43 % have lost at least 6 permanent teeth Over Read more
Sunday, September 4, 2016
7 Reasons You Should Get Your Grandparents A Dog
7 Reasons You Should Get Your Grandparents a Dog #InHomeCareAshevilleNC
How pet ownership can help the elderly

How pet ownership can help the elderly #ElderlyCareAshevilleNC
Friday, September 2, 2016
Communicating with Dad & Dementia
Communicating with Dad & Dementia #InHomeCareAshevilleNC
Alzheimer's Mealtime: Eat Together to Eat Well
Alzheimer's Mealtime: Eat Together to Eat Well #ElderlyCareAshevilleNC
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Omega 3 levels affect whether B vitamins can slow brain's decline
Omega 3 levels affect whether B vitamins can slow brain's decline #InHomeCareAshevilleNC
Revolutionary drug 'may stop Alzheimer's disease from developing' | Daily Mail Online
A revolutionary drug that could stop people from ever developing Alzheimer’s disease has been unveiled by scientists... Read More #AshevilleAlzheimersCare
5 Security Tips for Seniors – How to Help Your Elderly Parents Stay Safe
5 Security Tips for Seniors – How to Help Your Elderly Parents Stay Safe #ElderlyCareAshevilleNC
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Technology for Alzheimer’s: 5 products you need to see

Technology for Alzheimer’s: 5 products you need to see #ElderlyCareAshevilleNC
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Escape Dementia: Decrease the Risk of Getting the Disease by Eating Berries and Getting an Education
Escape Dementia: Decrease the Risk of Getting the Disease by Eating Berries and Getting an Education #InHomeCareAshevilleNC
Disabled and seniors connect, thanks to a new tech program
Disabled and seniors connect, thanks to a new tech program #ElderlyCareAshevilleNC
Monday, August 29, 2016
Talking to Younger Men About Growing Old #InHomeCareforElderly

Talking to Younger Men About Growing Old #InHomeCareforElderly
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Does Your Elderly Loved One Need Help?
As our parents and other relatives age, it can be difficult to determine when it’s time to reach out for additional help and care for them. This is due in part, to the fact that they are not likely to let Read more
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Yoga: Great for Seniors!
Yoga has recently seen a resurgence in Asheville and throughout the United States. People looking for an alternative to high impact exercise have found yoga to be a reliable way to stay fit, especially for those under 50. However, seniors can Read more
Monday, August 8, 2016
Heat Stress in Older Adults | Extreme Heat
Information on extreme heat in regards to seniors from the CDC. Stay cool!!
Thursday, July 28, 2016
Senior Care at Home: The Benefits of Aging in Familiar Surroundings
We are all creatures of habit. We like familiar things the same foods, the same vacations, the same people. As we age, we become even more accustomed to that level of sameness, drawing comfort from the lives we ve built Read more
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
How to Help Seniors Get Plenty of Sleep
The human body performs numerous simultaneous functions that play an integral role in everyday life. Adequate sleep is necessary to resupply the energy needed to function another day. For seniors, getting a good night s sleep is crucial because most organs Read more
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Seniors and the Science of Song
What do you do with your free time? It s a question that many seniors ask themselves, especially if they re just coming out of a lengthy career. There are certain activities that not only enrich your life, but that can also Read more
Saturday, June 18, 2016
Ten Easy, Tasty and Nutritious Meals for Seniors
Did you know that how well seniors eat can improve their mental sharpness, ability to fight illnesses and energy levels? This is why Always Best Care s team of dedicated in-home care Asheville NC caregivers makes it a priority to help Read more
Friday, June 17, 2016
If You Want a Healthy Retirement Plan to Travel in Your Senior Years
Traveling with senior citizens, especially senior loved ones, can be a deeply rewarding and enriching experience. Traveling is one of the top two dreams for retirement most Americans cherish, according to the Global Coalition of Aging (GCOA). While most seniors Read more
Thursday, June 16, 2016
Asheville NC Seniors Benefit from Their City’s Musical Climate
At any age or place in life, participation in music and the other creative arts provides tremendous enhancement to lives. As singer/songwriter Paul Simon says, Music is forever; music should grow and mature with you throughout your life. Music is Read more
Friday, May 13, 2016
Seniors Achieve Better Health by Living with a Companion Animal
Aging brings the wisdom and memories you ve gained through a lifetime of activities and experiences, as well as many years of achievements and goals accomplished. If the tasks of daily living prove more of a challenge now, that problem is Read more
Know the Most Common Early Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease
Although most Alzheimer s patients are over 65, many sufferers begin to display symptoms of the disease years before that. It is important to know that elderly Moms and Dads can begin to show signs of Alzheimer s before you are ready Read more
Keep Communications Open for Asheville Seniors with Hearing Loss
As seniors age, they sometimes trade their accumulated memories, accomplishments and wisdom for more difficulty accomplishing everyday tasks and chores. The trained caregivers who provide the senior care Asheville NC seniors receive through Always Best Care prepare a personalized plan Read more
Friday, January 8, 2016
Should Your Senior Still Be Driving?
Just because
your parent reaches a certain age doesn’t necessarily mean you should take away
their car keys. Many seniors are actually fairly good drivers because they have
years of experience. But when their health and memory begin to deteriorate, it
may be time to re-evaluate the situation.
Take your
senior out and let them drive. Travel on local roads as well as the
highway to see how they do going both slow and fast and with varying amounts of
traffic. This can give you more insight into things you should be concerned
about. You may find that you don’t have to take their car keys away completely
yet, but simply limit them to driving short distances, only during the daytime,
or not on the highway.
there are some things that should send up red flags and make you carefully
evaluate whether or not they should get behind the wheel:
- Vision or hearing problems. While driving, you must be constantly aware of what is going on around you. Vision problems can make it more difficult to safely change lanes, read street signs, or see obstacles in the roadway. Not being able to hear sirens or honking that can indicate danger puts more emphasis on vision and mental alertness.
- Dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease. Memory problems can mean getting lost even in familiar locations. Also, if your loved one suddenly loses focus or becomes confused, they may pose a threat to themselves or others on the road. There is also the risk of confusing the gas and brake pedal and accidently pressing the wrong one.
- Medications. Certain medications can make your senior drowsy or slow down their reaction time. In the event of an emergency, they may not be able to respond quickly enough to avoid danger. Or, they could nod off behind the wheel which can lead to an accident. It’s a good idea to talk to their doctor and ask about any risks medications can pose to driving.
- Dents or scratches on the car. If you notice that the car is already getting dinged up, it may be a sign that your senior shouldn’t be driving any longer. They may downplay these incidents because they don’t want to lose their independence, but it should be a cause for concern.
It can be a
difficult topic to bring up, but one that is very important. You want to ensure
that your senior is safe and not driving when they shouldn’t be. Public
transportation could be one alternative option if there are services nearby.
Hiring an in-home caregiver can also reduce the need of your loved one to go
out as often. A caregiver can escort them on outings, assist with shopping, and
attend various events with them. Your senior can continue to live an active
life regardless of whether or not they drive.
Always Best Care of Asheville-Hendersonville at (828) 989-7263 or visit us online to learn more about our in-home care
and senior services and how they can benefit your loved one.
Thursday, January 7, 2016
6 Signs it May be Time to Consider Assisted Living
Many adults
prefer to stay in their own home as they age, and that’s often a possibility.
As long as they are physically and mentally able to safely live there, they can
age in place. As they get older, an in-home care provider can provide the
support and assistance they need to remain independent. However, there often
comes a time when in-home care is not enough and seniors require more intensive
care. When this is the case, it may be time to consider transitioning to an
assisted living facility.
Here are six
signs that it may be time to consider assisted living:
1. Your loved one can’t keep up with
their home. Are
there stacks of bills or dirty dishes laying around? Do they have trouble
keeping up with laundry or taking the trash out? Their home may have become too
much to manage and downsizing into an assisted living facility can be
beneficial. Here they will have much less to keep track of and receive
assistance as needed.
2. Your senior has difficulty with
activities of daily living. Whether you notice that they haven’t bathed in a few days or
are typically wearing the same clothes over again, changes in personal hygiene
can be a sign that more help is needed. They may have difficulty brushing their
teeth or hair, or working the washing machine.
3. Your loved one has memory
problems. Dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and memory
loss can make caring for themselves more difficult. They may forget whether
they’ve taken their medication, where they put their keys, or how to get to and
from the store.
4. Your senior has become more
accident prone. If
mom or dad seems to be tripping and falling more often or has unexplained
bruises, their home may not be as safe of a place anymore. Mobility issues can
make navigating stairs or getting in and out of the shower more dangerous.
5. Your loved one has been losing or
gaining weight. Is
their refrigerator full of spoiled food, or have very little food at all? Meal
preparation can be tough when vision, memory, or dexterity are compromised.
Your senior may have forgotten they’ve already eaten or prepare unhealthy foods
as well. Furthermore, if they’re forgetting to turn off the stove or oven, that
can be a fire hazard.
6. Your senior is becoming more
isolated. Did you
parent used to spend time with friends or at the community center and now they
hardly leave their home? Assisted living can help them to become more social once
again and get involved in a variety of activities. They’ll be able to have more
regular social interactions.
living can allow your loved one to maintain some of their independence while
also receiving the level of support and care they need to stay safe and
healthy. Always Best Care of Asheville-Hendersonville not only provides in-home
care services, but also offers complimentary assisted living
placement services. When
your senior is ready to make that transition, Always Best Care is here to help.
Call (828) 989-7263 or visit us online for more information.
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Winter Safety Tips for Seniors
weather is making its way into North Carolina as winter takes hold. While
things have been fairly mild thus far, the weather can be unpredictable. It’s
important for seniors to be prepared for when winter storms and low
temperatures arrive.
Check heating system. Have the heating system inspected and
repaired to ensure that it is working properly. Replace the filters and set the
temperature to a comfortable level. Seniors are often more sensitive to
temperature changes and may get colder more easily, so you may want to set it a
little warmer than usual. Make sure that they know how to make adjustments as
necessary to stay comfortable.
Bundle up. When going outside, layer up. This
will help to keep body heat from escaping as quickly and the cold air from
penetrating through clothing. Put on a hat, scarf, and gloves to cover exposed
skin. Layering up while indoors can be a good idea as well. Seniors can always
add or remove layers depending on how they feel.
Increase traction. Spread salt on potentially slippery
surfaces to prevent icy buildup. Check the soles of shoes and rubber ends of canes
or walkers to make sure they are not too worn and smooth. Wearing non-slip
shoes can help seniors to maintain better traction and balance, especially on wet
Stock up cupboards. Winter weather can bring power
outages and make travel treacherous. Making sure seniors have plenty of
non-perishable foods available can reduce the need to venture out and ensure
they have food should the power go out. Stock up on water as well just in case.
Pick foods that are easy to make and you know your senior enjoys.
Replace batteries. The New Year is a good time to
replace batteries in smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and
flashlights. This will help to keep your senior safer especially if they use
space heaters and when the heating system is running. Carbon monoxide is clear
and odorless, so a detector is a must.
Travel with caution. Help your senior to stay on top of
weather notifications so they don’t plan any trips during potential storms.
Make arrangements to go to the grocery store or refill medications before a
storm hits. It’s also a good idea to limit nighttime driving as this is when temperatures fall
and wet roads can quickly become icy.
Check in regularly. No matter how near or far you live, call to check in on a regular
basis. Find out if there is anything your senior needs and just see how they’re
doing. If you’re unable to stop by in person, send a family member, friend, or
neighbor to check in. Hiring an in-home care provider can also keep your senior
safer by assisting them with daily activities and providing companionship. A
care provider can let you know if they notice anything amiss and can help your
senior be more prepared for dealing with winter weather.
Have peace
of mind this season knowing that you have taken steps to improve the safety and
comfort of your senior. Contact Always Best Care of Asheville-Hendersonville at
(838) 989-7263 or visit us online for more information about senior
care services.
Coping With Vision Loss from Glaucoma
Glaucoma is
a condition that can develop unexpectedly. Because vision loss begins with
peripheral vision, you may not notice any significant differences at first.
However, as vision loss increases, it can impact your ability to carry out
daily activities and eventually lead to tunnel vision where you only have a
narrow line of sight. While there is no cure for glaucoma, early detection and
treatment can help slow development and allow you to make the most of your remaining
What causes glaucoma?
Glaucoma is
generally caused by an increase of pressure within the eye that can damage the
optic nerve. There is fluid that continuously flows around the eye, but when
this flow is disrupted or slowed, it can lead to a buildup of pressure.
Medication, eye drops, and surgery are some common forms of treatment that
support better vision.
Dealing with vision
There are
numerous ways that you can manage vision loss to continue living safely and
- Stay organized. Make sure that each item in your home has its own place, and when you use these items, always put them back where they belong. This consistency and organization can help you to locate things more easily on your own, even if you have low vision. Ask that family members or visitors also return things to where they got them.
- Contrast. Creating contrast by using brightly colored tape or opposite colors can help you to differentiate between objects or see the edge of stairs, counters, or doorways.
- Magnification. Wearing glasses that magnify, or using a magnifier can help you to see print and smaller objects more clearly. You can also opt for large print books and devices to help you stay as independent as possible.
- Auditory reminders. If it becomes difficult to read fine print, use auditory reminders instead. Set alarms to remind you to take your medication and record notes for yourself instead of trying to write them down. Relying on your other senses can help to compensate for low vision.
- Be proactive. Have your vision checked regularly to monitor glaucoma progress. Ask about seeing a low vision specialist who can equip you with assistive devices or modifications that align with your vision needs. They can determine what would be most effective and how your low vision impacts your daily living.
- Ask for help. An in-home care provider can support you with daily activities such as managing medication, preparing meals, organizing mail, tidying up around the house, reading, maintaining your calendar, and more. You can opt for a few hours a week or a few hours a day depending on your level of need and ability.
shouldn’t stand in your way of living a life you enjoy. Contact Always Best
Care of Asheville-Hendersonville to learn more about available in-home care and
senior services. Call (828) 989-7263 or visit us online for more information.
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