Thursday, May 8, 2014

Key Warning Signs of a Stroke

Those who care for seniors explain that it is highly important that family members and friends of this elderly individual learn the signs of stroke. Stroke is a major senior health concern that requires immediate medical treatment. In many instances, getting your elderly parent help right away can help to lessen the devastating impact of a stroke. Some key stroke warning signs to know about include:

Face drooping

Ask your elderly loved one to smile. Is their smile uneven? Has one side of their face begun to droop or has it gone numb? These are often key indicators of a stroke.


If the elderly individual is dealing with a stroke, they may find that one arm has gone numb or is weak. Check for arm numbness by asking your senior to raise both of their arms, and then look to see if one arm drifts downward. 

Trouble with speaking

A person who is having a stroke may struggle to speak properly, or may become hard to understand. To test this, ask your loved one to repeat a simple sentence. Note if they are able to repeat this sentence correctly and clearly.

Also be on the lookout for other symptoms of stroke including:

  • Confusion or trouble understanding simple conversation or instructions
  • Trouble seeing in one or both eyes
  • A significant headache with no real cause

If you suspect that your elderly parent is having a stroke, it is important to get medical attention right away. Every single minute counts when someone has lost blood flow to their brain. The longer it takes for them to get medical attention, the more significant the stroke damage will become. Immediate treatment can literally save a person’s life, and make it much easier for them to recover. In the event that your senior begins to demonstrate signs of stroke, call 911 immediately. Do not hesitate. 

Though a stroke is based in the brain, it can wreak havoc on every area of the body. It makes it hard for a person to think clearly, express themselves, and feel emotions. They may also continue to struggle to move one side of the body, and may have numbness in their face. May is National Stroke Awareness Month, so make sure to learn the signs and symptoms so that you can act accordingly in the event that your elderly loved one faces this serious and damaging medical condition. 

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